Sunday, June 12, 2011

he will left up your head.

ohhh man. life is crazy hard right now. i have to fight giving into self-pity sadness and just fear a lot these days. but as i was in the kitchen getting something to eat i heard "God will left up your head" by jars- it was on their worship cd- because ksbj is still always playing in my parents house. love ksjb but i don't want to listen to them...but i do like this jars song and it came at such a sweet time. i needed to hear that. he will left up your head.

art really is therapy for me. so i have been trying to do more stress releaving activities! here are a few...

this is just a little memory saver from kate's wedding. a pressed flower from my bouqet and one of her cute tags.

i found this old drawer amongst my mother's stuff and she said i could do whatever i wanted. the pink flowers fell off some of the bouqets from my wedding and the rose is another flower from kate's. it is going to go ellis's crib i hope. and yes i am calling her ellis but i don't like elle...that is a popular name i just want it to be ellis...just in case you were wondering...

"love, mimi" that is the name of this group of cards i made. do you think i can sell them?? be honest.

i don't know what i want my "name" to be. i have a stamp that says cate button from my wedding. but i kinda want something more fun. what about peace&buttons...thoughts??

like mrs. lauren johnson i too want to copy some art. i have been wanting to paint something for ellis and i saw this girl on etsy. i love love watercolor and her paintings are just beautiful to me. i will try to attempt this soon...i don't know if mine will turn out as good as lauren's. i might just end up buying it...

and just a little pregger update...i have weird, specific cravings. strawberry-pineapple-blueberry smoothies, vanilla frozen yogurt with cookies, greenbeans, baked-potatoes with black beans and salsa, and today was powdered donuts and rootbeer. i rarely drink any sodas and now i'm feeling the sugar...i promise i'm not always that bad. josh was sweet and went and got it for me.

p.s. i know instagram is like old news but i just downloaded it on josh's phone because yes i still have my crap little phone. it is really addiciting. it gives us non-photographer peeps some skill.

life is hard but you know i'm glad it is. it makes me trust him more, more than i would if things felt easy.
peace, love, and powdered donuts.

Friday, May 13, 2011

hey girl come with me and let yourself go

so whenever i found out i was pregnant the first time i was driving by myself listing to a mix-tape/cd (mix-tape sounds cooler)and oar's hey girl came on. i started crying, singing really loud and thinking what if i am having a girl!! it was hard to listen to that song for a little while. but now it brings my heart lots of happiness.

i didn't really get that mother instict with this baby. honestly it is was really hard for me to grasp the fact that a human was growing inside. i felt anything but contected to the baby. but the farther along i got the more of that "feeling" came. first i just wanted it to be a girl and then it was like, no i'm having a girl! i just know it! on monday may 9th we found out that i was right. baby number one for the button's is a girl. i know that hey girl shouldn't really be one that makes me think of my girl but i don't care. it's a good song. here are her little hands and feet. i could of watched her for hours...

some other big news...not really... but i have been trying desperately to make my "high school" room not look high school. the walls are still the dreadful purplish color i thought was a great idea but i've tried decorating it. it's pretty sad but i'm trying. these are just my fav spots right now...

and then my little work artsy station. i hope to move into dalton's room if we plan on staying her when my parents leave. it will give me a bigger space. but for now i'm very happy with this work space.

don't worry i'll keep you updated and hopefully things will start looking cooler. i really can't wait for our one place...
peace out.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i'm baacckkk....

every time i think about me dressed up as anna nicole smith for our senior eco project i laugh out loud...

but yes i'm back. it feels good to be back and not only in the blog scene but in the texas scene. my last blog was last january after i had got married and moved up to branson, that was a crazy year. i probably learned more about myself and my God in a year than i could of ever imagined. needless to say it was probably one of the hardest years of my life. and only a little bit had to do with being married or maybe all of it had to do with being married. all i know is that the Lord opened my eyes to a lot of things and i truly feel that my world is now more beautiful. it was hard as hell but i think He does that, through the dark, hard times if you let Him, He will make your world more beautiful.

my year at the Institute was not at all what i thought. first semester my anixety came back and i ended up missing a lot of class. plus i was still working as a barista (yeah i thats right i know how to make really good coffee) and i really was spreading myself thin. but i still learned a ton. i learned old testament history that no one had ever told me about, it blew my mind. that first semester i feel in love with the Word like i had never had.

one of the darkest times of last year for me is when i miscarriaged. i remember days before i found out i was pregnant i was telling God when josh and i should start having kids haha.i wanted to teach for a year or two and then it would be a good time. when i saw "pregnant" on the stick i freaked out. i got really depressed that day, i was just mad at God. telling people got me really excited though. and then God took the baby back up to Him. i've never cried like that. i gave myself probably the worse migraine known to man, josh almost took me to the er. it is really amazing how heartbreak like that brought josh and i closer. i remember taking a shower and just crying out to God to please bless me with another baby. i promised to react better. i almost heard Him say out loud, "cate please trust me. allow me to wow you with what i have in store for you". and He did wow me. a month later during the time where it is either really hard for you to get pregnant after a miscarriage or in my case really easy, He blessed us with another baby. of course i questioned Him again. are you crazy?? we can't have a baby. this isn't the right time. but thankfully He doesn't always listen to us.

two thousand and eleven has been a crazy year. finishing up at school was bittersweet. josh and i were ready for change. ready to be in texas closer to the ones we love. missing out on things going on in the lives of people i didn't want to miss, was harder than i thought. i cried a lot. but the Lord used the Institute to break me and mold me. and that i wouldn't take back, as hard as it really was. now we are back in texas both jobless, baby on the way and living with my parents. haha crazy. God seriously has a sense of humor.

i heard a pastor say, "i think it's so insane that Christians will trust Christ with their eternity but not their today." He just wants us to trust Him with our today. so that is where i'm at.