i have crossed to the darkside. but i think i like it. i do like that the blog world is more personal. it is though so hard to think of what to blog about, since we all know how exciting my life is and all the insightful thoughts flowing through my head....
but whatever i'm just going to start talking. my life right now is full of trying to figure out how to teach first graders and endless projects. it's kind of wierd being the last one of the hunnies still in school. but at least two are still here with me, i don't know what i would do if they were'nt here. i am learning a ton about teaching which rocks but im not sure if i want to do it. i did though, find out today from an art teacher that you do not need to be certified to teach art in elementary. this made my day. i am still praying that art teacher will be in my future. even though i love the first grade class im in right now, all i can think about is all the cool art projects we could be doing.
i feel kind of blah right now, especially with the Lord. school can be so consuming and an easy cop-out for drifting. i realize i am so quick to be lazy over seeking Him like crazy even though im dead tired. school is almost over though, which means summer and some possible amazing adventures (bonnaroo, china, and hawaii.. i'm not totally ruling that out). i am excited to see what the Lord has instore for me. He is always good.
hell yes. welcome..