Monday, April 13, 2009

easter changes everything

sooo i'm about to get kinda deep and its only my third blog but whatevs....
yesterday at my church back in houston, it was one of the best easter sunday sermons. everytime i hear my pastor at bridge point bible church speak, it rocks my world. before we entered into the sanctuary we were given a piece of cardboard, which was different from our usual weekly bullentin. i was immediately intrigued. my pastor held his own bigger piece of cardboard with death on one side and then life on the other. don't worry im not going to go into the entire sermon even though it rocked...
the main thing he wanted to get across is that jesus died and then rose again to life, and that changes everything- if jesus can over come death and sin on a cross, that changes everything. i know this is not an incredible new revelation. but at the end of the sermon my pastor had people from my church come out one by one and show their own pieces of cardboard. on the front they wrote things that were keeping them from truly living free in christ, and on the back what their life looks like now with victory in christ. it was so cool to see the gospel be so real in peoples lives. for people to stand up infront of others they know and dont know and show the gross sin in their lives but then show that it does not end there, it was just such an amazing testimony of who our God is. a man from the sudan got up and showed his piece of cardboard. it said lost boy of the sudan and on the back citizen of the USA and of heaven. it was heartbreaking and beautiful at the same yeah it was just a great beautiful day.
and we also colored eggs which turned out awesome. my mom did all the names.

these were my favorites..


  1. those eggs are beautiful! I love how the colors are so bold

  2. im happy glenda made one for jesus.

    also, we did that cardboard confessional thing at a younglife banquet and the kids did it. i know what you mean about it being so real. i cried. it's ridiculous how he has changed people and just how good good good he is.

    glad youre posting
